Divide and Conquer
The illusion and divide of judgement. The moment when you observe another and choose to impose your perception onto someone’s else’s belief. The moment when your one minute of hierarchy falls onto the pages of the social breakdown. It’s a limited belief to think that any one of us is better than the other but oh, when we type on those keys our bravery and gumption lead us into saying the most emotionally charged things. For some of us, we are a little too unsure to show our complete distaste so, we’ll hop onto another’s words and charge ourselves up with the hit of being right! The insignificant moment gives us the falsity of the experience we know as fulfillment. Our tired hearts can’t quite simply be still in the moment to achieve a sense of peace. Even the consistent yoga moves, the preaching of our spirituality and belief still does not seem quite enough. We need more validation! The false sense of security has us tied to the illusion that being right will somehow give us the feeling we want. And when the fix runs out, we try a little bit of belittlement and mocking to re-capture it. It shakes it all up a bit but maybe it’s still enough, at least for a few hours. Just when we thought that the t-shirt, and the crystals around our wrists would make us more spiritual, we realized the only way to prove ourselves were by telling others that “We are right, and you are wrong!”
The deconstruction of allowing more than one belief structure infuriates the reader. The uncomfortable truth that everyone has their own truth doesn’t quite fit into the narrative. Again the fix needs feeding, “How do I feed my wavering self-esteem? Maybe I’ll jump in on another post and prove myself to everyone how unnecessary it is to prove anything at all.” The fears are rampant from the observation of critical thinking and the fears get fixed with the siding in herd’s. We can’t possibly accept one another just as they are and leave our opinions and judgement of them aside, could we? That would be too much! The EGO needs feeding and it’s forgotten how to detox from the earthly surroundings. “It’s okay, I’ll sit here and pass judgement yet again and then I’ll feel better.” Did we really forget how like attracts like? No! Of course not, “I’ve got today’s fix from all the emoji likes in my feed.”
The fix will run out and we’ll all need something more substantial eventually. We’ll need to free ourselves from this division. No matter the differences, we’ll need to see beyond how right we think we are and remember that we knew nothing at all. We’ll have to remember how to simply be kind. It’s so much easier to be unkind behind a screen. It’s so much easier to pressume to know where another soul’s journey is leading them. To think we know where another soul stands within their own hearts is too rash! We’ve surely gotta slow down?! We must be mindful of what we are doing to one another. Our thoughts become things, so maybe we need to slow down with our words, just enough to recognize the shadow that we’ve casted over the spirit.

The Resolution
What we forgot was how to communicate, how to really ask what we are feeling and why? Why do you reside within a different thought from myself? How are you feeling? Our intuitive inner dialog is distracted with the importance of the social media age and the importance of being accurate. We’ve forgotten that the minute we put away the screens, that there is an opportunity to see beyond the current narrative. Who’s right and who’s wrong is no longer of benefit when we begin to actually listen, when we can really see who we all are. The illusionary divide can finally fall away and we are left with simply the moment in which our vulnerabilities can reveal themselves. We may still hold tight and cling onto the old ways of thinking and doing, and that’s okay. The familiarity of such gives us the comfort, yet we all have to be ready to feel into the compassion once again. We all are here taking one step at a time to uncover our own truth’s about ourselves. One energetic frequency shift at a time.
The great divide isn’t quite as strong as we think, especially when we stop and choose to be still. It’s a beautiful moment when you can see beyond the veil of separateness. The differing thoughts and wanting to be right no longer hold the key to feeling good. The fix can wear off now, if you allow it! I know it’s scary to drop your swords and your shields, but I promise that when you do, you’ll feel amazing! Your personal belief will no longer distract you into seeing their beauty, and your own true beauty. Your light is still there, even if the outside world pressures you to dim it a little. The judgement we own is all ours and it’s okay to let it go. You’re never truly alone. I can tell you that the minute you let go, the weight will be lifted and you’ll be ready to create your world yet again. You’ll even forget that for a moment we all thought that we needed to be so divided.
It’s really okay, take my hand and let’s see where we can go next. This is the place of non-judgement and togetherness. Not everyone wants to reside here but the doors are open wide for anyone to enter. I sure hope you will all join, and if we should fall back into our old judgments, just remember why we chose to walk through the door of letting it all go. We’re not perfect and never really needed to be. We just needed to remember who we were.
Oh and one last thing, no matter what…I still love you.

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