Refunding and the rescheduling of readings can be done with in 24 hours of the appointment.
When issuing a refund, you will be charged a minimum fee of 3 USD to compensate for the time of the company and fees that are associated with processing the initial payment.
All readings are intended and focused upon for the highest and healing good of each client.
In a Psychic reading Dana will communicate by reading the energy and vibrations around you the client and will pick up information from your past, present and future. Communication is also opened up with your spirit guides which aids the messages given. Dana gives an honest, and open reading to give you the best guidance for your current life path so there is “No Sugar Coating.”
There is always a designated theme for us all to learn from but ultimately you are in charge of the choices you make in your life and Dana is simply here to bridge divine and spiritual guidance into your world to assist the rest of your journey.
Referral Scheme:
Clients who refer friends and family can rcieve a 15% off their next appointment when the person they refer purchases either:
Connecting you to your loved ones in spirit and to get you to step into your own healing journey.