As I observe the CHAOS within the reflection of people’s actions, I see that the light is trying to break through each and every moment. Not everyone will see it but it’s there! With the WORLD’S CHANGES we begin to panic! We worry more about what isn’t because there clearly seems to be enough evidence to support that there might be! The OPTIMISTIC approach in FAITH seems a bit lost, so we judge every current circumstance. We allow the fear to dictate the next outcome versus TAKING RESPONSIBILITY FOR OUR REALITY. We argue with each other; we disagree with one another and yet we still cannot come to any decision. The FALSE FEAR that people hold onto is engulfing every other VIBRATION that the wave catches! The VICTIM blaming, the “I have more knowledge than you therefore my EGO IS ERADICATED!!!” is all but a REFLECTION for SELF. I observe the ridiculous fights within the political world and the frustrations that us HUMANS like to portray. Every other person believes themselves to be RIGHT!!! So, someone must be wrong?! Right!!!
The EXTERNAL WORLD is an interesting one. The HUMAN EXPERIENCE just loves the drama! Just maybe, we need to take a step inside ourselves yet again and maybe a little further to witness who we really are. To remember that we are connected to the SOURCE of all things. That there really is no separation. The addiction to drama and being right are the only things that makes the disconnect accessible.
I urge each and every one of who to do the INNER WORK. To make sure that next time you feel rubbed up the wrong way, that you are PAYING ATTENTION TO THE REFLECTION. That’s it’s not always someone else’s fault. That not every political move will be the right move. Instead, that a simple act of KINDESS will go a long way. That FORGIVENESS is achievable, even within the painful process of trying. That your willing to see beyond the point at the end of your finger. I know this post is a tough one to read but the SELF REFLECTION is important, and I am truly grateful to be reminded of this HUMBLING LESSON. Are you really willing to do the work to make a better life for yourself?! If the answer is YES! Please now start with your PAIN POINT.
1. Look within and ask yourself why the outside world is to blame?
2. Ask yourself, who am I really fighting?
3. Who really has that much POWER over me?
The answer is pretty clear but are you BRAVE enough to know it?!